1. General information
2. Composition of the Group and changes thereof
2.1 Planned merger with Polski Koncern Naftowy ORLEN S.A.
3. Basis of preparation
4. Functional currency, presentation currency, foreign currency translations and transactions in foreign currencies
4.1 Translation of financial statements of foreign operations
4.2 Foreign currency transactions
5. Accounting policies
6. New standards and interpretations
7. Other factors with a bearing on the Group's financial statements
8. Business segments
9. Notes to the statement of comprehensive incom
9.1 Revenue
9.1.1 Revenue from contracts with customers by product groups
9.1.2 Revenue from contracts with customers by geographical market
9.2 Costs by nature of expense
9.3 Employee benefits expense
9.4 Other income
9.5 Other expenses
9.6 Finance income
9.7 Finance costs
9.8 (Impairment losses)/reversal of impairment losses on financial instruments
9.9 Income tax
9.9.1 Tax expense
9.9.2 Corporate income tax calculated at effective tax rate and reconciliation of profit before tax to taxable income
9.9.3 Deferred income tax
9.9.4 Deferred tax assets and liabilities
9.10 Earnings/(loss) per share
10. Notes to the statement of financial position
10.1 Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
10.1.1 Non-current assets - Refining & Marketing Property, plant and equipment of the Refining & Marketing segment Impairment testing of service station network Impairment testing of assets covered by the remedies Goodwill of the Refining & Marketing segment Other intangible assets of the Refining & Marketing segment Oil and gas exploration and evaluation assets Assets related to future costs of decommissioning of oil and gas extraction facilities Other non-current assets of the Exploration & Production segment
10.1.2 Non-current assets - Exploration & Production Oil and gas development and production assets
10.1.3 Right-of-use assets
10.1.4 Other information on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
10.2 Equity-accounted joint ventures
10.13 Trade payables, other liabilities and provisions
10.13.1 Provisions
10.13.2 Grants
10.12 Employee benefit obligations
10.12.1 Obligations under length-of-service awards and post-employment benefits
10.12.2 Termination benefits
10.3 Trade receivables and other assets
10.3.1 Change in impairment losses on receivables
10.3.2 Finance lease receivables
10.4 Loans
10.6 Inventories
10.7 Cash and cash equivalents
10.8 Equity
10.8.1 Share capital
10.8.2 Share premium
10.8.3 Cash flow hedging reserve
10.8.4 Retained earnings Restricted ability of subsidiaries to transfer funds to the Parent in the form of dividends
10.8.5 Dividends
10.9 Bank and non-bank borrowings, notes and lease liabilities
10.9.1 Bank borrowings
10.9.2 Non-bank borrowings
10.9.3 Notes
10.9.4 Leases
10.10 Capital management
10.11 Derivative financial instruments
11. Notes on financial instruments and financial risk
11.1 Financial instrument
11.1.1 Carrying amount
11.1.2 Fair value measurement
11.1.3 Material items of income, expenses, gains and losses disclosed in the statement of comprehensive income by category of financial instrument
11.2 Objectives and policies of financial risk management
11.2.1 Risk of movements in commodity and petroleum product prices Sensitivity analysis: risk of movements in commodity and petroleum product prices
11.2.2 Risk of movements in prices of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission allowances Sensitivity analysis: risk of movements in prices of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission allowances
11.2.3 Currency risk Sensitivity analysis: currency risk
11.2.4 Interest rate risk Sensitivity analysis: interest rate risk
11.2.5 Liquidity risk
11.2.6 Credit risk
12. Other note
12.1 Contingent liabilities and assets
12.1.1 Material court, arbitration and administrative proceedings and other risks to the Parent or its subsidiari
12.1.2 Other contingent liabilities
12.2 Related parties
12.2.1 Entity having control of the Group
12.2.2 Transactions with related entities of which the State Treasury has control or joint control or on which the State Treasury has significant influence
12.2.3 Remuneration of members of the Company’s governing bodies and its key management staff
12.2.4 Remuneration paid or payable to other members of key management staff
12.2.5 Transactions with related parties of members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board
12.3 Significant events subsequent to the reporting date
12.3.1 Execution of conditional sale agreements as part of implementation of the Remedies
12.3.2 Agreement with social partners
12.3.3 Hostilities in Ukraine
Authorisation of the consolidated financial statements for issue
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Changes on the fuel market in 2021