Diversity management

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The LOTOS Group values diversity – it is an integral part of both its business activities and its hiring and promotion policy. We place special emphasis on equal treatment based on gender, age, disability, health status, race, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, creed, irreligiousness, political belief, trade union membership, gender identity, family status, lifestyle, etc.

The Company provides employees with equal opportunities for professional development and promotion regardless of skin color, religion, gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation, citizenship, marital status, family status, political views or disability. Internal documents issued apply to all employees, with no exclusions in this regard.

Verification of adherence to the diversity policy is not formalized; it is, for example, part of employee interviews during the annual employee evaluation and Stay Interview meetings with employees and their managers after 3 months of employment.

Percentage of employees belonging to management bodies

Management Board Women Men Total
under 30 years old 0% 0% 0%
30-50 years old 0% 20% 20%
over 50 years old 20% 60% 80%
TOTAL 20% 80% 100%
Supervisory Board Women Men Total
under 30 years old 0% 0% 0%
30-50 years old 14% 29% 43%
over 50 years old 29% 29% 57%
TOTAL 43% 58% 100%
Source: Company

Percentage of employees falling into the categories of senior management, middle management and other employees

Breakdown by structure and age: Women Men Total
upper management
under 30 years old 1% 1% 2%
30-50 years old 22% 50% 72%
over 50 years old 2% 25% 27%
TOTAL 25% 75% 100%
middle management
under 30 years old 0% 0% 1%
30-50 years old 17% 48% 65%
over 50 years old 4% 30% 34%
TOTAL 22% 78% 100%
other employees
under 30 years old 3% 10% 13%
30-50 years old 15% 44% 59%
over 50 years old 5% 23% 28%
TOTAL 24% 76% 100%
Source: Company

Human rights in employee relations

The employer-employee relationship requires special care. The LOTOS Group places a strong emphasis on respecting human rights among its employees.

Values important to the organization have been enshrined in the LOTOS Group Code of Ethics.

From 2019, the protection of employee rights has been strengthened thanks to the „Policy for Prevention of Mobbing, Harassment and Discrimination in the LOTOS Group” adopted in the LOTOS Group. The document contains information on identification of unacceptable phenomena, as well as the mechanisms to be used in cases of irregularities that threaten such values as respect for human dignity, norms of social coexistence and the principles of mutual respect.

In accordance with the „Policy for Prevention of Mobbing, Harassment and Discrimination”, irregularities should be reported to the Ethics Officer by selecting one of the available communication channels.

The Company is also planning training on how to correctly identify behaviors that have the features of mobbing, harassment and discrimination.

In 2021, the Ethics Officer reviewed 9 reported cases, 1 of which is still pending. No violations of the Code of Ethics were confirmed in the closed reports.

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