12.2.4 Remuneration paid or payable to other members of key management staff

Remuneration paid to members of the key management staff (excluding members of the Parent’s Management Board) 2021 2020
Short-term employee benefits (salaries)(1), including 37.2 34.4
annual bonus paid 10.3(2) 6.4(3)
length-of-service award paid 0.1 0.1
Other employee benefits Dec 31 2021 Dec 31 2020
Post-employment benefits, length-of-service awards and other benefits 2.9 10.2
Current liabilities under annual bonus 12.4 15.8
Total 15.3 26
(1) The amount of remuneration reflects changes in the Company's Collective Bargaining Agreement.
(2) Payment of the annual bonus for 2019 and 2020.
(3) Payment of the annual bonus for 2019.

The Group did not advance any loans or similar benefits to its key management staff in 2021 or 2020.

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