Consolidated statement of changes in equity

Note Share capital Share premium Cash flow hedging reserve Revaluation reserve Retained earnings Translation reserve Equity attributable to owners of the Parent Non-controlling interests Total equity
Jan 1 2021 184,9 2.228,3 (24.4) 9,078.0 106.9 11,573.7 0.1 11,573.8
Net profit/(loss) 9.10 3,211.8 3,211.8 3,211.8
Other comprehensive income/(loss), net (28.9) (10,0) 5.4 41.8 8.3 8.3
Total comprehensive income/(loss) (28.9) (10,0) 3,217.2 41.8 3,220.1 3,220.1
Dec 31 2021 184,9 2.228,3 (53.3) (10,0) 12,295.2 148.7 14,793.8 0.1 14,793.9
Jan 1 2020 184.9 2,228.3 (203.6) 10,415.5 90.2 12,715.3 0.1 12,715.4
Net profit/(loss) 9.10 (1,146.2) (1,146.2) (1,146.2)
Other comprehensive income/(loss), net 179.2 (6.4) 16.7 189.5 189.5
Total comprehensive income/(loss) 179.2 (1,152.6) 16.7 (956.7) (956.7)
Dividend (184.9) (184.9) (184.9)
Dec 31 2020 184.9 2,228.3 (24.4) 9,078.0 106.9 11,573.7 0.1 11,573.8

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