Development and education

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The development policy of the LOTOS Group is based on a systemic approach. Its purpose is to ensure the relevance of employee competencies to the requirements of the organization’s strategy.

The development system is based on five main pillars: accessibility, consistency, accountability, relevance and diversity. Development is built into every employee’s career. Every employee has access to training, the essence of which is consistency in employee development. The formula of multilateral training planning ensures relevance of the provided training to the actual needs of the organization, as well as symmetry and partnership in meeting the needs and objectives, which is important in the context of the importance of human resources. This applies both to the organization, relating the planned training to cascaded downstream strategies and sub-strategies, and to the employee.

Educational programs available to employees in 2021

Name of program Scope of program Who were the recipients?
Open training Training that meets the specific competency needs of individual employees All employees
Close training Closed training responding to the specific competency needs of a given group of employees Employees of a given functional area
LOTOS Academy Training Calendar A program responding to the universal competency needs of all employees (IT competencies – MS Office, soft skills) All employees
Implementation Doctorate Program A program involving the implementation of a technological, constructional and design project, responding to a specific problem identified in the organization All employees
LideRo Program A program designed to provide holistic, cross-functional knowledge of all manufacturing processes (moving away from knowledge of just one, home manufacturing plant) Production Division Employees
E-learning training courses E-learning training courses (off-the-shelf and tailor-made) All employees
Training courses and examinations Training courses and examinations related to the acquisitions of qualifications necessary for the job and required by law Production Division employees and others
English Subsidized English language learning on a course selected by the employee according to his/her preferences All employees
eTutor Learning English online All employees
Upgrading qualifications in school forms and postgraduate studies Educational subsidies – high school level, undergraduate, engineering graduate and post-graduate programs All employees
Lean Six Sigma training Training path in Process Improvement Methodology and Building a Culture of Continuous Improvement All employees
Training on simulators Training to develop and maintain skills in operating production facilities – simulation of refinery processes Production Division Employees
Management Development Program Improving management competencies Management staff
Source: Company

Average hours of training per employee

Average hours of training per: 2020 2021
employee 10 14
women 13 18
men 9 13
Source: Company

Diversity of development forms is another hallmark of the organization’s training policy. This allows the learning process to be tailored to the employee’s individual cognitive preferences. The organization develops among its employees both industry-specific competencies – specific for the oil&gas industry, specialized ones – required for a given position, managerial, linguistic, as well as soft skills, enabling and catalyzing the use of hard competencies.

  • The LOTOS Academy and the program implemented under it: Training Calendar developing universal soft and IT competencies (MsOffice package) and development program dedicated to specific target groups, responding to identified, current business challenges
  • Closed trainings addressed to the employees of the LOTOS Group, aggregating common training and development needs, including courses and exams related to acquiring the qualifications required by law (especially in the production area)
  • Open training responding to specific, individual training and development needs of particular employees
  • Subsidies for studies
  • Subsidies for development of language skills. The competency development rules for GL employees are governed by Procedure: Employee Training and Development and Directive DY/131/21/DN on ensuring the operation of uniform rules of conduct for the training and professional development of LOTOS Group employees.

The effectiveness of training and development activities undertaken is achieved through a systematic process approach. The training needs identification and analysis that begins the process precedes training planning. Implementation of training and development activities each time ends with training effectiveness assessment based on Kirkpatrick's model.

In 2020, 91% of women and 97% of men out of all eligible LOTOS Group employees participated in the SOOP assessment.

In Grupa LOTOS S.A. the 2020 periodic evaluation process was carried out according to changed rules (different from the other companies of the LOTOS Group). Starting in 2020, for the first time, the employee evaluation is linked to the employee bonus system and replaces the previous Periodic Employee Evaluation System and the Quarterly Incentive Bonus.

The 2021 annual evaluation, in the form of a structured process, was conducted at two GKL companies (GL S.A. and LOTOS Oil). In the remaining companies, feedback is provided on an ongoing basis, including quarterly in connection with the performance evaluation process under the Quarterly Incentive Bonus.

A qualified, motivated and committed workforce that increases the organization’s efficiency and gives it a competitive edge in the marketplace brings value to the entire organization. In order to attract it, we conduct the recruitment and selection of candidates in a transparent and objective manner, based on ethical standards derived from the Code of Best Practice. In addition, in order to standardize the recruitment process in the LOTOS Group, we have developed and apply „Standards for Conducting the Recruitment and Selection Process in the LOTOS Group” for those responsible for coordinating the staff selection process and managers who commission recruitment processes. As part of the LOTOS Academy project, we prepare managers who build development paths in their respective areas in a conscious and responsible manner, in accordance with the needs of the organization and the level of employee development. In 2021, we implemented a proprietary project entitled „Discovering the Power of Teams” using the Extended Disc (ED) tool. The aim of the project is to support managers and their teams in identifying the strengths and pointing out the individual potential of each member, support for teams forming in the conditions of remote work, employees struggling with a sense of isolation and loneliness, enabling them to better understand, more effectively motivate and engage, and thus more effectively achieve business objectives.

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